

  • transaction document
  • transaction file



  • 例句与用法
  • Business forms - layout key for trade documents - inquiry , offer , order order change , order response , delivery note and invoice
  • The customer business documents include guarantee slip agreements , insurance bills , loan notices , insurance notices and mails
  • For all types of instruments including property documents and those relating to stock transactions , you may present the original instrument with a stamping request and supporting documents at stamp office counter or by post
  • For all types of instruments including property documents and those relating to stock transactions , you may present the original instrument with a stamping request and supporting documents at stamp office counter or by post
  • They had , between 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit ( lc ) facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 25 lc to a total value of hk $ 107 million
  • They had , between 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 25 l c to a total value of hk 107 million
    1997至1998年间,他们涉嫌向上述四间银行申请开立信用状时,使用虚假的交易文件,令上述银行发出25张信用状,涉及信贷总额达港币1 . 07亿元。
  • They had , between 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 l c to a total value of hk 51 million
    1997至1998年间,他们涉嫌向上述四间银行申请开立信用状时,使用虚假的交易文件,令上述银行发出16张信用状,涉及信贷总额达港币5 , 100万元。
  • They had , between 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 22 l c to a total value of hk 102 million
    1997至1998年间,他们涉嫌向上述四间银行申请开立信用状时,使用虚假的交易文件,令上述银行发出22张信用状,涉及信贷总额达港币1 . 02亿元。
  • They had , between 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit ( lc ) facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 lc to a total value of hk $ 51 million
    1997至1998年间,他们涉嫌向上述四间银行申请开立信用状时,使用虚假的交易文件,令上述银行发出16张信用状,涉及信贷总额达港币5 , 100万元。
  • They had , between 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit ( lc ) facilities from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 lc to a total value of hk $ 51 million
    1997至1998年间,他们涉嫌向上述四间银行申请开立信用状时,使用虚假的交易文件,令上述银行发出16张信用状,涉及信贷总额达港币5 , 100万元。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
交易文件的英文翻译,交易文件英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译交易文件,交易文件的英文意思,交易文件的英文交易文件 meaning in English交易文件的英文交易文件怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
