It uses the test instrument to test the tested equipment , and at the same time , the test instrument communicates with the computer to exchange the test data and the control statement 在测试仪器对被测设备进行测试的同时与计算机进行通信,交换测试数据和控制指令。
I finally started encountering teams who asserted that they succeeded exactly because they did not get caught up in fancy processes and deliverables , but instead sat close together so they could talk easily and delivered tested software frequently 后来我开始碰到一些成功的小组,他们宣称正是因为没有陷于花里胡哨的过程和可发布性,而是大家坐在一起,从而使得他们可以更容易的加以讨论并且经常交换测试后的软件,最终才得以成功。