Core node of optical burst switching consists of optical switch and optical switching controller 光突发交换网络的核心节点主要由光交换机和光交换控制模块两部分组成。
The message exchange control parameters from rosettanet number of retries , hours to complete an activity etc ; the workaround is to agree on these issues outside of the business process description Rosettanet中的消息交换控制参数(重试的次数,完成一个活动的小时数等) ;需要进行的工作是在业务流程描述之外约定这些问题。
Optical switch consists of optical switching array , tunable wavelength converter and fiber delay line . common pc is used as optical switching controller which can use application software to implement many kinds of control to optical switch 在设计中,用光开关矩阵、波长变换器和光纤延迟线构成光交换机,使用通用pc机作为光交换控制模块,通过编写pc软件实现各种光交换控制功能,因而使得对光交换机的控制变得非常灵活通用。
The structure of distributed multimedia management combining with centralized switch control incarnates the coalescent of computer network technology and communications network technology . and it supplies the feasible resolution to the development of grouping based on ip 其分布式媒体处理和集中式交换控制相结合的体系结构充分体现了计算机网络技术和通信网技术的有机结合,为电信网向以ip为核心的分组化方向演进提供了可行的解决方案。
Consequently it is more and more necessary that our country researches and develops our own digital trunked radio communication system . based on the study of the private communication system , especially on the most important part of the control center and the protocol of the v + d air interface , the design project based on softswitch is proposed 论文以专网移动通信系统的开发为背景,针对重要的集群系统交换控制单元的开发和v + d空中接口协议研究,基于软交换技术提出了切实可行的呼叫控制单元设计方案。
In order to ensure the whole system operate economically , power department equip transformer with onload tap changer and shunt capacitors for most distribution substations , according to the operating condition , adjusting the position of transformer taps and capacitors can control the variation of voltage and reactive power exchanger of distribution substations and power system in certain extent 为确保整个系统运行经济性,降低网损,电力部门在大多数变电站配置了有载调压变压器和并联补偿电容器组,根据运行情况适当调节变压器分接头的位置和投切并联补偿电容器组,可以降低电压变化和变电站与系统的无功交换控制在一定的范围内,确保供电质量和电网运行的经济性。
To be more specific , softswitch is an sw - based distributed switchcontrol platform , which separates call control from the gateway and uses protocols between service , control , access and switching so as to implement a multi - vendor network operation environment and introduce easily multiple services in the network 更具体地讲,软交换是一个基于软件的分布式交换控制平台,它将呼叫控制功能从网关中分离出来,开放业务、控制、接入和交换间的协议,从而真正实现多厂家的网络运营环境,并可以方便地在网上引入多种业务。