- 交换 exchange; swap; interchange; ...
- 场 a level open space; threshin ...
- 区 H region; H
- 交换场 exchange field
- 交换场地 change courts; change ends; change of courts; change of goals; change of goats; change of place; change sides(ends); switch ends
- 场区 court areas; fiery zone; side
- 暗换场 darkchange
- 本场区 own court
- 场区内 on-site
- 进场区 approach zone
- 近场区 near field region; near field zone
- 强场区 high electric area
- 上场区 stage right
- 市场区 market area; marketarea
- 下场区 stage left
- 硬场区 hard court
- 右场区 forehand court; right court; right square
- 远场区 far field region; far-field region
- 中场区 centre area
- 左场区 backhand court; left court; left square
- 能量转换场地 energy conversion site
- 替换场景内容 replace scene contents
- 左场区或右场区 left or right side
- 本方场区 own court
- 场区监测 site monitoring