- flowing wellhead pressure
- 井口 the mouth of a well pithead; ...
- 动压 dynamic pressure; kinetic pr ...
- 入口动压降 dynamic depression head
- 井口流动压力 well head flowing pressure
- 井口 1.(水井口) the mouth of a well2.[矿物学] pithead; portal3.[石油工业] wellhead; bank head; landing; bank
- 动压 [流] dynamic pressure; kinetic pressure; velocity pressure◇动压传感器 dynamic pressure transducer
- 矿井口,井口 mine entrance
- 出口动量 exit momentum
- 出口动态 export action
- 出口动作 exit action
- 河口动物 estuarine animal
- 后口动物 deuterostome; deuterostomia
- 环口动物门 cycliophora; gnathostomulid
- 螺口动力学 snail population dynamics
- 炮口动能 muzzle energy
- 喷口动作筒 nozzle operating ram
- 枪口动能 muzzle energy
- 人口动力 population dynamics
- 人口动力学 population dynamics
- 人口动态 population dynamics
- 人口动态学 population dynamics
- 入口动作 entry action
- 三口动作筒 three-port actuating cylinder
- 原口动物 protostome; protostomia
- 坚井口 bank shaft mouth