- 五十 fifty
- 岁 year
- 一 one
- 辈 generation in family
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 五十岁一辈的人 quinquagenarian
- 四十岁一辈的人 quadragenarian
- 五十岁 fifty
- 奔五十岁了 be getting on for fifty toward
- 五十岁的 fifty; quinquagenary
- 五十岁的人 quinquagenary
- 五十岁肩 frozen shoulder
- 岁一 toshiichi
- 我母亲已经五十岁了 my mother is fifty years old
- 十岁 ten
- 岁一郎 toshiichiro
- 别看他快五十岁了工作却是雷厉风行 though nearly 50 he is exceptionally vigorous in work
- 前辈的 eldder; senior
- 一辈奴 futahi
- 一辈子 all one's life; throughout one's life; as long as one lives; a lifetime 一辈子做好事 do good all one's life; 一辈子也忘不了。 i won't forget as long as i live. 这件事一辈子也做不完。 it would require more than a lifetime. 这些词也许今后一辈子也不会再读到了。 these are words which may not be seen again in a lifetime of reading
- 父辈的旗帜 flags of fathers; flags of our fathers
- 杀长辈的 parricidal
- 八十岁 eighty; fourscore; octogenarian
- 差十岁 hl