互相 mutual; each other 互相包庇 harbour [shield] each other; 互相策应 echo one another; take concerted action; in coordination with one another; 互相吹棒 flatter each other; logroll; claw me and i'll claw thee
影响 1.(对别人的思想或行为起作用) influence; affect 影响健康 affect one's health; 影响交通 hold up traffic; 影响质量 impair the quality; 影响学习 interfere with one's study; 受到气候影响 be influenced by the weather; 影响群众的积极性 chill [dampen] the enthusiasm of the masses2.(对人或事物所起的作用) effect; influence 社会影响 social influence; 产生影响 produce an effect on; 受西方的影响 under western influence; 你愿意运用你的影响替我找一份工作吗? will you use your influence to get me a job? 这样做影响不好。 this would create a bad impression.; 影响范围 coverage; radius; 影响者 influent