

  • molybdenum dioxide
  • molybdenum disulphide



  • 例句与用法
  • Abstract : taken as materials , ammonium paramolybdate , molybdenum tri - oxide , molyb denum dioxide and molybdenum powder of different layers in thickness are reduced at different temperatures , and by analyzing the grain size , oxygen content and mo rphology of the molybdenum powders obtained , the effects of reduction processing on the grain size and oxygen content of the molybdenum powder of different layer s in the same boat are discussed
  • Taken as materials , ammonium paramolybdate , molybdenum tri - oxide , molyb denum dioxide and molybdenum powder of different layers in thickness are reduced at different temperatures , and by analyzing the grain size , oxygen content and mo rphology of the molybdenum powders obtained , the effects of reduction processing on the grain size and oxygen content of the molybdenum powder of different layer s in the same boat are discussed
  • There are four major series and more than 20 kinds of products produced by us now : high pure molybdenum dioxide , high pure molybdenum trioxide , molybdenum power , molybdenum bars , molybdenum plates , molybdenum sheets , molybdenum rods , molybdenum wire , molybdenum crucibles , molybdenum special - shaped products , rare - earth molybdenum , tzm , tungsten power and tungsten bars , so on
    目前,公司生产的主要产品有高纯三氧化钼、高纯二氧化钼、钼粉、钼条、钼板、钼片、钼棒、钼杆、钼坩埚、钼异型件、稀土钼、 tzm 、钨粉、钨条等四大系列、二十余个品种。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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