- 二 two
- 刃 the edge of a knife,sword,et ...
- 刀 knife; sword
- 刃刀 angle of throat; bill hook
- 薄刃刀 thin bladed knife; thin edged knife; thin-edged knife
- 单刃刀 single(-edged) cutting tool
- 宽刃刀 glaive
- 两刃刀 double edged sword
- 双刃刀 catling; claymore; diouble-edged knife; double edged knife; double knife; double-edged knife; duplete
- 凸刃刀 convex edged knife; convex-edged knife
- 隐刃刀 concealed knife
- 圆刃刀 round-bladed knife
- 光刃刀片, 平刃刀片 plain knife
- 不磨刃刀片 throwaway tip
- 单刃刀具 single-point (cutting) tool◇单刃刀具螺纹铣床 single-point tool thread cutting machine
- 单刃刀锯 single edge knife saw
- 单刃刀片 single dege blade; single edge blade
- 多刃刀具 multiple cutting edge tool; multiple-cutting-edge tool; multiple-point tool; multipoint tool; multitool
- 光刃刀片 plain knife◇光刃刀片割刀 smooth-section sickle
- 菱形刃刀具 diamond point tool
- 三尖两刃刀 mcou
- 双刃刀具 double-point tool
- 双刃刀锯 double edge knife saw
- 镶刃刀片 insert bit
- 镶刃刀头 insert bit