- 了结 finish; settle; wind up; bri ...
- 往事 history; past events; the pa ...
- 了结 finish; settle; wind up; bring to an end 了结一场争端 settle a dispute; end a conflict; 我们之间的关系了结了! everything is finished between us! 我最近一直忙于了结训练班的事。 i have been very busy settling up things about the training course
- 往事 history; past events; the past 回忆往事 recollections of the past; 那都是往事了。 that is all history now
- 办完、了结 get through with
- 付清, 了结 settle up
- 了结, 办完 get through
- 暗中了结 hush up a matter (by paying people off or some other clandestine means)
- 草草了结 dismiss
- 盖棺了结 dead &buried
- 互让了结 compromise
- 毁坏, 破坏, 结束, 了结 put paid to
- 获利了结 profit-taking
- 了结尘缘 to pay the debt of nature
- 了结成本 settling up cost
- 了结申索 satisfies the claim
- 了结诉请 satisfies the claim
- 了结债务 compound with creditors; wipe off a debt
- 仍未了结 pending
- 私下了结…… out of court
- 完全了结 in full discharge of
- 迅速了结 make short work of; makes short work of
- 债务了结书 deed of relief
- 终了结束 finite
- 了结法律程序 compete legal proceedings; compound legal proceedings