- breast conservation therapy
- 乳癌 mastocarcinoma
- 保守疗法 conservative treatment
- 保守疗法 co ervative therapy; co ervative treatment; conservative therapy; conservative treatment
- 保守 1.(保持使不失去) guard; keep; hold on 保守党和国家机密 guard party and state secrets2.(守旧的) conservative 保守观点 conservative point of view; 保守思想 conservative ideas; conservative thinking; (英国) 保守党 the conservative party; 保守力场 conservative force field; 保守疗法 conservative treatment; 保守派 conservatives; 保守外交 conservative diplomacy; 保守习惯 conservative habit; 保守主义 conservatism
- 患乳癌 developing breast cancer
- 乳癌簿 mammary tumour virus
- 右乳癌 right breast cancer
- 乳腺癌保乳治疗 breast conserving treatment
- 男性乳癌 male breast cancer; male breast carcinoma; mbc
- 乳癌病毒 bittner virus; mammary tumour virus
- 乳癌存活者 breast cancer survivors
- 乳癌分期 stages of breast cancer
- 乳癌根治术 radical mammary cancer operation; radical operation of mastocarcinoma
- 乳癌基金会 susan g. komen for the cure
- 乳癌抗原 breast cancer antigen
- 乳癌上清液 breast carcinoma supernatant
- 乳癌死亡率 breast cancer mortality
- 疗法 therapeutics; therapy; treatment; therapia; therapeusis; iatreusis; iateria; receipt 顺势疗法 homepathy; 按摩疗法 chiropraxis; 新针疗法 new acupuncture therapy; 放射疗法 radio therapy; 作业疗法 occupational therapy; 化学疗法 chemotherapy; 针灸疗法 acupuncture therapy; 疗法失当 malpractice; malpraxis
- 保守 (英) conservative party (uk)
- 保守,稳重 reserved
- 保守;守恒 conservation
- 保守场 conservative field
- 保守党 conservative parties; conservative political parties; cp; hoyre; new conservative party; pc; progressive
- 保守的 biedermeier; conservative; conserved; old-line; reactionary; stick-in-the-mud
- 保守地 conservatively