- 乳 give birth to
- 晕 dizzy; giddy; faint
- 皮肤 skin; baragnosis; derma; hid ...
- 乳晕皮下组织 subcutaneous tissue of areola
- 乳晕 areola mammae; areola of breast; areola of mammary gland; areola of nipple; areola papillaris; areola papillary; areola/areolae(pl); areolar mammaee; aureolae; mammary areola; the areola of mamma
- 乳晕腺 areolar gland; glandulae areolares
- 乳晕炎 areolitis
- 乳晕痣 halo naevus; hn
- 第二乳晕 mammary areola
- 妊娠乳晕 mammary areola; second areola
- 乳晕静脉丛 areolar plexus; areolar venous plexus; plexus venosus mamillae
- 乳晕静脉环 circle of haller; haller ring
- 乳晕脓肿 abscess of areola
- 乳晕下的 subareolar
- 乳晕下脓肿 subareolar abscess
- 乳晕下区 subareolar area
- 乳晕腺感染 infection of the areolar glands (montgomery's glands)
- 乳晕腺囊肿 cyst of areolar glands; cyst of montgomery's glands
- 乳晕腺炎 infection of montgomery gland
- 皮肤 skin; baragnosis; derma; hide 柔嫩的皮肤 a soft skin; 婴儿细嫩的皮肤 the delicate skin of a baby; 皮肤出汗。 the skin excretes sweat.; 皮肤粗糙 pachulosis; pachylosis; 皮肤真菌 dermatophyte; 皮肤真菌病 dermatomycosis
- 乳晕静脉环,乳晕静脉丛 circulus venosus halleri
- 急性乳晕脓肿 acute abscess of areola
- 慢性乳晕脓肿 chronic abscess of areola
- 乳晕发育不全 hypoplasia of areola
- 乳晕下纤维化 subareolar fibrosis