On the multiplier effect of public investmen 从打造营商环境看政府投资的乘数效应
Analysis between multiplier effect and economic development 乘数效应与当前经济发展的分析
Analysis of the multiplier effect of military expenditure 军费开支的乘数效应理论及其应用
Analysis of multiplier on demand change 需求变化的乘数效应分析
Analysis on investment multiplier effect of active financial policy 浅析积极财政政策中的投资乘数效应
Change trend and causes of the investment multiplier effect in our country 论我国投资乘数效应变动的趋势及原因
The multiplier is an complex function not only regarding with the propensity of consumption but also monetarical factors 乘数效应不仅与边际消费倾向有关,而是一个复杂多变的函数。
Theoretically , tax has determined negative effect on economy . tax has a negative mulitplier for the output in terms of keynesian theory 在凯恩斯主义中,税收对总产出的乘数效应是负的,即对经济是紧缩性的。
Being the highest cost project in municipal infrastructure , urban rail transit ( urt ) system makes contributions to the city ' s economy and social development 摘要城市轨道交通作为城市投资最大的基础设施,存在一定的投资乘数效应。
It presents that the provincial multipliers are small while they are poor in eastern and strong in mid - western regions respectively 研究表明,各省乘数效应较小,存在“东部弱,中西部强”的区域特征;不同方法计算的乘数分布具有一致性。