China is a dominant nation in world weightlifting 一个在世界举重运动中占领先地位的国家。
Weight lifting is best way to increase the bone density 举重运动是最好增加骨质密度的方法。
What is the name of the world governing body of weightlifting 世界性举重运动管理机构的名称是什么?
A : what is the name of the world governing body of weightlifting 世界性举重运动管理机构的名称是什么?
A brief talk on the importance of the psychological qualitg in choosing potential athletes for weightlifting 浅谈心理素质在举重运动选材中的重要性
The experiment of reconstructing the weight lifting motion indicates this method can be used for sport reconstruction and improve athletes ' performance by analyzing the reconstruction result 本算法在举重运动三维重建中的应用说明其可以重建运动员的三维运动,并作为运动分析的依据。
An ancient sport as old as mankind , embodying the most direct manifestation of human strength , weightlifting has not only flourished , but developed into a modern sporting discipline for the 21st century 举重是一项与人类历史一样古老的运动,是对人类力量的最直接展现。举重运动不仅在古代盛极一时,而且在21世纪成为一项现代体育运动。