张贴 post; put up; post up; plaster; placard 张贴光荣榜 post an honor roll; 张贴海报 put up posters; 张贴通知 post up a notice; 禁止张贴 ! post no bills
举起 raise; hoist; lift 向某人举起手 (做出要打的样子) raise one's hand to sb.; 举起起义的大旗 raise the standard of revolt; 举起的垂直高度是 20 英尺。 the vertical lift is 20 feet
建造 1.[地质学] (地质建造) formation2.(建筑) construct; build; make; form; fabric; machine 这棚屋是用附近森林里长的树木建造的。 the hut was constructed from trees that grew in the nearby forest.; 建造产物 fabric (如房屋或船只); 建造成本 construction cost; 建造价值 constructed value; 建造森林覆被 afforest;建造者 builder; constructor