February 13 chevening reception for the reunion of senior chevening alumni before 1996 2月13日英国大使馆为1996届以前的志奋领学者举行招待会
On may 27th of that year , the soviet union held a reception in the garden of the kremlin for air force officers from the west 那年5月27日,苏联在克林姆林宫花园举行招待会,招待西方空军军官。
The embassy of britain in china has holded a reception to celebrate the 35th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations in beijing on march 28th 英国驻华使馆3月28日在北京举行招待会,庆祝中英建立大使级外交关系35周年。
The " herald , " getting up an entertainment for the benefit of its free ice fund , did her the honour to beg her to appear along with celebrities for nothing 先驱报为筹措免费送冰基金而举行招待会,邀请她和名人们一同出席,但不用她捐款,以示对她的敬意。