In this chapter , the security problem and the subjective evaluation are also mentioned 在这一章中还详细探讨了系统安全问题和主观题评分问题以及其它一些相关问题。
Some subjective items such as writing or question and answer are also added to test the all - round ability of the students 也加一些主观题如写作和问答题来测试学生的全面能力
By using multi - threading technic , a computer - aid and online examining system for info - technic course was developed 摘要利用多线程技术解决主观题的设计,实现了“信息技术”计算器化考核系统。
Estimate the scores by using computer is to make the outcomes dealing of objective questions and the man ' s view questions by different analysing patterns being realized 计算机考试判分就是在客观题和主观题的结果处理上的两种不同分析模式的实现。
To simple skills , the system can automatically judge them . the subjective questions ask a teacher to login in the paper - judgment module to judge them . a teacher only judges e - working so that the system can distinctly alleviate his workload 对于简单的技能测评,系统也能自动判分,对于主观题,教师只需要登录阅卷模块对电子作品进行判分,从而大大减轻了教师的工作量。
The author introduced the concept of close - degree in fuzzy mathematics to weigh the score point , used the process of cluster analysis to simulate the manual process of marking , this paper constructed the automatic marking subjective question system by designing automatic marking algorithm and embedding manual marking module in the system 摘要作者引入模糊数学中贴近度的概念来衡量人工阅卷中的得分点,利用模糊数学聚类分析过程来模拟人工阅卷的给分过程,设计了主观题的自动阅卷算法,并在系统中灵活设置了人工阅卷模块,构建了主现题网络考试系统。
This thesis presents various key algorithms of designing and realizing net - exam environment , net - exam flow , automatic assessment , and score management . the related implementation matters are also discussed in detail . then , in analogy to the manual assessment of the exam scripts , an algorithm , by using fuzzy theory to assess the subjective questions , is proposed and analysed in detail 接着,从分析人工评分思路出发,利用模糊理论设计并实现了一套用于主观题自动评分的算法,并对该算法的性能作了详细分析,在打破主观题只能采用手工阅卷这一传统问题上进行了有益的尝试。
That is the estimating objective questions ? iven answers according to the requirement of the question , when the choicing answer is the same with the standard answer then the examinee could get score ; the estimating man ' s view question , first of all , according to the analysis of the requirement of operating questions , given the standard answer by the furthest accurate outcome . then judge the operation of the examinee by using computer if it is accord with the standard . in this term we do n ' t judge it wether the examinee do the thing by what manner . ln a word the simulacra of man ' s view questions has stronger blur feeling . it needs outcome but not the course . it is fit for the examinee to exert his or her capbility in the deepest degree 即正向的客观题判分? ?根据题目要求给出答案,被测试者的选择答案和标准答案一致就得分;逆向的主观题判分? ?先根据对操作题操作要求的分析,给出最大程度精确的考试结果来作为确定的答案,然后利用计算机去判断被测试者的操作是否符合给定的答案,这期间并不判断操作者实现的路径即以何种方式进行的操作。所以主观题的这种模拟,模糊性比较强,只要结果不要过程,适合被测试者最大程度上发挥自己的聪明才智。
Thirdly , it is supported by java technology . java language is not only a right programming language to build agent , but also it has some characters such as architecture neutral and higher safety , running java applet , program can increase the functions of the client , lighten the burden on the server , as well as can operate the client contents according to the privilege assigned , and in order to increase the safety of system . finally , in the thesis , by using the knowledge related probability and statistics , author puts forward a kind of method which can make the grade mark quantifying , and with this method , the problem which is how to get an accurate evaluation for the subjective test questions that learners answer in exam , is solved primely 本文针对以上缺点,提出基于agent的个性化远程教学系统,本系统中引入分布式人工智能( dai )领域中的agent技术,在系统中构造一个学习者agent ,它随时跟踪学习者的学习过程,记录其兴趣、爱好等个性特征,并适时地调整对其采用的教学策略,有效地解决了目前的系统智能性较低的缺点;其次,本系统采用xml技术来组织教学内容,改变了html中内容和形式捆绑在一起的缺点,使得内容和形式相分离,从而可以为太原理工大学硕士学位论文不同认知水平的学习者提供不同的教学内容,增强了交互功能;另外,本系统采用java技术, java语言不仅适合作为agent的开发语言,而且java语言具有平台无关和安全性高的特点,通过运行javaapplet来增强客户端的功能,减轻服务器端负担,并且这些appiet根据客户赋予的权限对客户端内容进行操作,增加了安全性;最后,本文运用概率论与数理统计学中方法,提出一种把等级成绩数量化的方法,很好地解决了对学习者考试中主观题的准确评价问题,为实现个性化教学提供了一个较准确的依据。
After he submits it , the system can judge it and give the score of objective questions and immediately feed it back to him . the system adopts the form of submitting e - working to test a student ' s skills . the e - working is finished in the real environment ( for example , windows , office and frontpage ) 试卷包括客观题和主观题两部分,学生交卷后,系统能够对客观题自动判分,立即把结果反馈给学生;对于主观题,本系统采取完成电子作品的形式进行考核,学生只要根据任务,在真实环境(指馨默礁;舔windows 、 。