From the concept of triditional master - slave flip - flop , we propose a simplified positive edge - triggered flip - flop and prove the traditional positive edge - triggered flip - flop is the master - slave flip - flop designed based on basic flip - flop with single - rail input 并且从传统主从结构触发器出发,提出了简化结构的维持阻塞型触发器设计。针对数字电路中大量存在的冗余现象,本文讨论了冗余抑制原理以及相应的冗余抑制技术。
This dissertation gives an outline of the mac layer of plc networks which is suitable for the channel characteristics and modulation system , paying more attention to the peculiarity of channels modulated in ofdm and taking advantages of wireless networks and hfc networks 该协议充分注意到采用ofdm调制方式后plc网络的特性,借鉴了无线网络和hfc网络的诸多优点,从而减少了信道的竞争时间,并具有稳健性较强的主从结构。
The design of home automation system is the basic part of the subject . first , design and realize hardware and software of home gateway and data collect and control device . then compile the protocol of home automation system network 本课题以家庭自动化网络的设计为基础,首先,设计并实现了家庭自动化系统中家庭网关、数据采集与控制装置的软硬件以及基于主从结构的家庭自动化网络的通信协议,完成了一套完整的家庭自动化系统的设计。
The structure of the web database , network technology and relational database are introduced at first in this paper . with the development of the internet , the construction of the web database has extended from mainframe / terminal to browser / server mode 本文首先对网络数据库系统的体系结构、网络技术、关系数据库等进行了简单的介绍,指出随着因特网的发展,网络数据库系统的体系结构已经从主从结构发展到了b s ( browser server ,浏览器服务器)模式。
First , by analysing the disadvangtages of the decomposition and recovery algorithm in the usual security model , a new algorithm of double structure tables , which is suitble for master - slaver structure tables , is presented in this paper . second , in resolving the semantic ambiguity and operational incompleteness easily emerged in master - slaver structure tables , an improved master - slaver structure table model and relative decomposition and recovery algorithm are provided . third , considering the merits and demerits of security model , a multilevel secure transaction model is defined on the basis of security model 本文通过分析以往安全模型的分解和恢复算法的缺点,提出了一个适合于主从结构表这种双结构表安全模型的分解和恢复算法;针对主从结构表安全模型容易产生语义模糊性和操作不完备性等问题,提出了一个改进的主从结构表安全模型,并提出了其分解和恢复可行方法;讨论了安全模型的优缺点,定义了建立在安全模型基础之上的多级安全事务模型,分析了多级事务面临的众多难题,提出了一个安全、正确的多级事务调度算法;根据上述的诸多理论,开发了一个多级安全数据库管理系统的原型系统。
In the process of designing hardware , the principal and subordinate structure is adopted : the principal cpu accomplishes the communication with the group host computer ; the subordinate cpus accomplish the communication with some command post computers and observe post computers ; the principal and subordinate cpus exchange data through parallel bus to realize the communication between the group host computer and its subordinate computers 在硬件系统设计中,采用了主从结构:主cpu完成与群主机通信,从cpu完成与各指挥所、观察所计算机通信,再通过主从cpu间并行总线的数据交换来完成群主机与其下属计算机的通信。
In this system , it is master - slave structure between pc and dsp . dsp transfers data to pc by adopting the dmac ( direct memory access controller ) in pc . the thesis dwells on every part of hardware circuit and main technology such as dsp , the transferring mode of dma ( direct memory access ) , etc subsequently , it introduces the software design of the sampling system and user interface 该最小系统制作成高速数据采集卡,插入pc机的isa总线插槽中, pc机与dsp构成主从结构,系统中tms320f240dsp作为pc机的下位机,采用pc机内的dmac ( dma控制器)通过dma (直接存储器存取)方式把采集的数据传送到pc机进行处理。
1 communication protocal is adopted between the transmission of pc and telephone terminal . usb is flexible , stabile , pnp and high - speed ( l2m / s ) , so it truly satisfied and realized the need of this system especially met the need of little audio data packet and high transmission speed . as we al 1 know , 开发了usb接口,采用了usb1 . 1通信协议编写了pc机与电话终端的通信软件,利用usb灵活、稳定、即插即用、主从结构、速度快( 12m s ) 、成本低廉的特点解决了语音数据包小、传输速度快的问题;应用udp ip协议编写了pc与pc机的网络通信软件;利用sqlserver2000编写了基于ado技术、 c s模式下的电话用户资源信息库软件,通过以上技术达到了本系统的目标和要求。
Security constraints are consistent by modifying security constraint definition , and an effective classification assignment algorithm is given in this paper . we analyze the problem of inference channel and give solution to solve the problem during database analysis and design period . by analyzing the problems resulting from extending single - level transactions to multilevel transactions , we also give a multilevel secure transaction schedule algorithm based multiversion snapshot graph 本文提出采用主从结构表的方法对blp模型加以改造,使得改造后的blp模型具有较高的可用性和安全性;通过修改安全约束的定义,使得安全约束之间始终是协调的,并给出一种高效的密级分配算法;讨论了推理通道问题,给出了在数据库分析、设计等阶段可以采用的对策;分析了事务从传统的单级扩展到多级面临的众多难题,给出了一种基于多版本串行化图的事务调度算法;根据上述理论,开发了一个多级安全数据库管理系统的原型系统。