- 为 support; stand for
- 摄 absorb; assimilate take a ph ...
- 入 enter
- 放射性 radioactivity; activity; emi ...
- 物质 matter; substance; material
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 时刻 time; hour; moment
- 放射性物质的排除 radiation exclusion
- 放射性物质的运输 transportation of radioactive material
- 放射性物质 actinogen; activated agent; activated material; activating agent; material radioactives; radiating objects; radioactive materials; radioactive matter; radioactive su tances; radioactive substances; radioactivematerial; radioactivesu tance; radioaktives material/radioaktive substanz; radiomaterial; substance, radioactive
- 低剂量放射性物质的分析 low-level analysis
- 低剂量放射性物质的计数 low-level counting
- 放射性物质的半衰期 radioactive half life; radioactivehalflife
- 放射性物质的豁免物品 exempt items of radioactive substances
- 高放射性物质的工作 hot operation
- 含放射性物质的吞服剂 an atomic cocktail
- 挥发性物质的放射性 volatile activity
- 放射性物;放射性物质 radioactive su tance; radioactive substance
- 低放射性物质的或非放射性的工作 cold operation
- β-放射性物质 beta-radioactive substance
- 强放射性物质 hot material
- 操作开放型放射性物质的辐射防护规定 regulation of radiation protection for handling nonsealed radioactive material
- 运送放射性物质的重屏容器 casket
- 贮运放射性物质的屏蔽容器 cask flask
- γ放射性物质污染 gamma contamination