- 临时 at the time when sth. happen ...
- 木材 wood; timber; lumber; log; l ...
- 临时木板房 barrack
- 临时木垛 temporary chock
- 临时木棚子 back casing
- 临时木桥 spar bridge
- 临时木板辩公房 office hut
- 临时木防卫工事 brattice
- 混凝土接缝临时木垫板 footing stop
- 矿井中用的临时木支柱。 pit-prop
- 临时木建筑;间壁;围板;架围板 brattice
- 木材 wood; timber; lumber; log; lignum◇木材厂 timber mill; 木材防虫 wood protection against pest; 木材防腐 wood preservation; 木材干燥 drying of wood; lumber [wood] drying; 木材干燥窑 lumber kiln; 木材工业 timber [wood] industry; 木材加工 wood processing [working]; 木材加工工业 wood processing industry; 木材市场 lumber market; 木材综合利用 integrated utilization of wood
- 临时工;临时的 temporary
- (木材)滥伐 deforestation
- 边材(木材) sawood
- 长木材 long cut wood
- 大木材 backlog; summer wood
- 方木材 squared timber
- 废木材 waste wood; wood waste
- 腐朽(木材) rot
- 干木材 desiccated wood; dried wood; seasoned timber
- 滚木材 logrolling
- 和木材 long cut wood
- 厚木材 thick stuff
- Wood preservatives - evaluation of fongicide efficacy of temporary wood protectives for green sawn timber - site method