They will create with power and the springing of a well 他们将创造,丰沛如泉涌,
Economic wealth does not automatically mean plenty of water 经济富裕不是自动代表丰沛的水。
Ut its qualities here don t end , 宝药丰沛无穷尽
Marianne , emotional and sentimental , is the embodiment of sensibility 脆弱易感又情感丰沛的玛莉安娜,是感性的化身。
The fresh air is sometimes humid from the abundant rainfall of this area 清新的空气有时会因这地区丰沛的降雨而潮湿。
The rocky mountain scenery and waterfall groups were carved and sculpted by rainwater 由于山高林密,雨水丰沛,更造就了千泉百瀑的大自然奇观。
Water of this well was very rich and clear . so it was the main drinking water for the people of 这古井水源极为丰沛,且水泉清澈,甘美可口是安平六部社中的
The green mountain in libya is a virtually unspoiled region of fertile land , gorges and greek ruins 利比亚的绿山完全没有受到污染,有丰沛的土壤、峡谷,及希腊的遗迹。
The variety of plant life found within the park include agathis , mountain ru , tree ferns , different species of orchids and begonia 公园气候炎热潮湿,雨量丰沛,使之成为一座巨大的天然热带植物园动物园