Golden delicious is a very fruitful cultivar . 金冠是一个非常丰产的品种。
Cocksfoot is one of our deepest rooting grasses and, judged purely on a dry-matter basis, it is also one of our most productive species . 鸭茅草是扎根最深的一种草,纯粹从干物质角度判断,也是我们最丰产的草种之一。
It will be a fertility of year for much raining 因为雨水多,今年会是丰产的一年。
Essential measure for high yidlds of pinellia tuber 半夏丰产的关键措施
Early bearing and high yield variety of chestnut - yunyao and yunzao 早实丰产的板栗新品种云腰和云早