- medium rare earth richment
- 中 hit; fit exactly
- 稀土 tombarthite; rare earth
- 富集 beneficiation; enrichment; m ...
- 物 thing; matter; object
- 中稀土 mree
- 钐铕钆富集物 samarium europium gadolinium concentrate
- 车间空气中稀土粉尘卫生标准 health standard for rare-earth dust in the air of workplace
- 植物性食品中稀土的测定方法 method for determination of rare earths in plant-foods
- 植物性食品中稀土限量卫生标准 tolerance limit of rare earths in plant-foods
- 富集 beneficiation; enrichment; mineral dressing; concentration; enrich
- 稀土 tombarthite; rare earth◇稀土金属 rare-earth metal; 稀土元素 rare-earth element
- 聚集物 accumulation; aggregates; gatherer
- 凝集物 agglutinates; agglutinator; aggregate
- 扫集物 sweeping
- 收集物 collection; collector
- 地面扫集物 floor sweepings
- 河床堆集物 river bed deposit
- 可凝集物质 agglutinable substance
- 凝集物, 凝集素 agglutinator
- 凝集物,凝集素 agglutinator
- 收藏品,收集物 collections (l03/d05); collections (l03/d05)
- 搜集物;拾遗 gleanings
- 天然聚集物 conglomerate
- 细聚集物 fine aggregate
- 征集物资 the acquisition of supplies