近中天高度 circum meridian altitude; ex-meridian altitude
Details on the times of rise , transit and set of saturn from new year s eve to new year s day are shown below 有关除夕晚至元旦日早上,土星出没和上中天的详情如下:
Therefore , because of their novelty , reliability and durability , our products sell well not only in the domestic markets but also in many overseas countries of southease asia 因此,中天的产品具有款式新颖、安全可靠、坚固耐用等优点,不仅畅销全国各地,还销往海外东南亚大部份国家。
The sun , but little past its meridian , shone down upon the clergyman , and gave a distinctness to his figure , as he stood out from all the earth , to put in his plea of 刚刚越过中天的太阳正照着牧师,将他的轮廓分明地勾勒出来,此时他正高高矗立在大地之上,在上帝的法庭的被告栏前,申诉着他的罪过。