递增 increase progressively; increase by degrees 人口的递增 a progressive increase in population; 产量与年递增。 the output increases progressively with years. 这所大学的注册人数比去年递增了10%。 the registration of the university shows an increase of 10 percent over last year.; 递增费用 progressive charges; 递增付款 progressive payment; 递增函数 increasing function; 递增序列 [数学] increasing sequence; ascending series
Strictly increase monotonically 严格单调递增
One of its most important applications is to improve the optimization algorithms by evaluating the relevant derivatives information efficiently the aim of the work includes : to establish and study new algorithms - - cf - pcg algorithrns with ad ; to establish and study the extended cf - pcg algorithm ( ecfpcg ) . cf - pcg algorithms with ad is proposed on the basis of cf - pcg algorithms with sd , in addition to replace sd with ad , there are other significant modification to the algorithms . the results by theoretical analysis and numerical experiments implicate that cf - pcg algo - rithm with ad is an improvement to newton method with ad 论文首次将自动微分应用于牛顿- pcg型算法,构造了新算法,并从理论上比较了新算法与牛顿法的效率,证明了新算法的效率严格大于牛顿法的效率,而且新算法与牛顿法的效率比分别是问题维数n和目标函数复杂性的严格单调递增函数,当n趋于无穷大时,这个效率比的下界以ln ( n ) ln2的速率趋于无穷大。