Our research shows that many teams in chinese enterprises now are in the middle condition of the continuity model learning team 研究发现,我国企业中的各种团队正处于该连续体两极之间的位置。
Very large and very small financial markets generally avoid the destabilising effects of international capital : it is the markets in the middle that are most vulnerable 一般而言,国际资金很少会冲击最大或最细小的金融市场,反而处于两极之间的市场最易受到影响。
The thesis analysed on the fact that it is no good to have the fixed exchange rate regime so far as the economic leverage is concerned . moreover , we are not yet ready for floating exchange rate regime . so we have to take a " middle way " between the fixed and floating rate 本论文重点分析了在中国金融进一步开放中,实施固定汇率制不利于发挥汇率的经济杠杆作用,而实施浮动汇率制的条件又不具备,只能选择介于固定与浮动两极之间的“中间汇率安排” 。