From the viewpoint of reducing the risk faced by insurance company , the models for determining the best time limit of endowment insurance are given under the minimum covariance and variance 摘要从降低保险公司所面临风险的角度出发,给出了两全保险在协方差和方差最小时的最佳年限的确定模型。
And the birthday danger product that holds function of an investment , deposit concurrently , if share out bonus model , investment is concatenate model , all - purpose model insurance of be satisfactory to both sides , pension insurance , suit the person with higher income to buy 而兼具投资、储蓄功能的寿险产品,如分红型、投资连结型、万能型的两全保险、年金保险等,适合收入较高的人购买。
The fourth section brings forward problems that exist in residential mortgage loan insurance now , and gives several relative measures . furthermore , three new insurances are put forward in this part . the fifth section recommends three kinds of residential mortgage loan insurance from other countries , and some ways are put forward in this section 第四部分分析了我国个人住房抵押贷款保险发展中存在的问题,认为现存的问题有保险责任范围过窄、保险金额计算方式不够准确、保险产品设计不够合理等,并提出一些相应的对策;此外,论文还设计了个人住房抵押贷款保证分红两全保险等三个创新险种。