- 丝 silk
- 片 a flat,thin piece; slice; fl ...
- 腐朽 rotten; decayed; punk
- 丝片 skein
- 腐朽 1.(木料等由于长期风吹、雨淋或微生物侵害而破坏) rotten; decayed; punk 这些木材已经腐朽了。 the timber has rotted.2.(比喻陈腐; 堕落; 败坏) decadent; degenerate 腐朽的论断 degenerate assertion; 腐朽思想 decadent ideology [ideas]; 腐朽庸俗的作风 decadent and philistine ways; 腐朽糜烂的生活 decadent and dissolute life
- 丝片匣 skein case
- 保险丝片 strifuse
- 金属丝片 tinsel
- 明熔丝片 open-link fuse
- 丝片滚轧机 wire and sheet roller
- 丝片检查 skein inspection
- 丝片检验 skein test
- 丝片阔度 width of skein
- 薄片腐蚀 etch rinse processor
- 成片腐蚀 solid corrosion
- 铜片腐蚀 copper corrosion
- 腐朽(木材) rot
- 腐朽;腐蚀 decay
- 腐朽;朽木 punk
- 腐朽材 decay knot wood; decay wood; rotted wood; rotten timber
- 腐朽的 klunky; rotten
- 腐朽节 decay knot ;rotten knot; rotten knot
- 腐朽菌 rot fungi
- 腐朽木 decayed timber; punk
- 腐朽囊 decay pocket