- readings in oriental sci. & philosophic wri
- 东方 the east
- 科学哲学 philosophy of science
- 文献 document; literature
- 选读 selected readings
- 中国哲学文献选编 a source book in chinese philosophy
- 当代西方科学哲学 current western scientific philosophy
- 化学文献选讲 chemical literature
- 中社建文献选读 selected readings of chinese socialist construction documents
- 哲学文献 bibliographie de la philosophie
- 哲学文献集 archives de philosophie
- 东方学文献 orientalistische literaturzeitung
- 科学哲学导论 introduction to philosophy of science
- 社会科学哲学 philosophy of the social science
- 科学文献 scientific literature
- 科学文献集 archives des sciences
- 内科学文献 archives of internal medicine
- 外科学文献 archives of surgery
- 眼科学文献 archives of ophthalmology
- 英国科学哲学杂志 british journal for philosophy of science
- 旨趣,如“计算科学哲学” philosophy of computing science
- 地球科学文献 geoscience documentation
- 定量科学文献 quantitative scientific literature
- 耳喉科学文献 archives of otolaryngology
- 科学文献索引 science citation index
- 东方科学仪器厂 oriental science apparatus workship