- 丙烷 propane; dimethylmethane
- 地 the earth
- 沥青 pitch; asphalt; bitumen; min ...
- 地沥青 a haltum; albafite; albanite; asphaltic bitumen; asphaltos; asphaltum; asphaltus; bitumen of judea; courtzilite; earth pitch; ground pitch; iron pitch; land asphalt; mineral pitch; neuquenite; pez; pitch earth; sand asphalt
- 地沥青 土沥青 earthpitch
- 埃及地沥青 egyptian asphalt
- 掺合地沥青 blended asphalt
- 吹制地沥青 blown asphalt
- 纯地沥青 plain asphalt; straight asphalt
- 地沥青柏油 asphalt tar
- 地沥青的 asphaltic; bituminous
- 地沥青膏 asphalt mastic; asphaltic cement
- 地沥青灌浆 asphalt grouting
- 地沥青湖 a halt lake; asphalt lake
- 地沥青面层 a halt covering; a halt wearing course; asphalt covering; asphalt wearing course
- 地沥青苗 asphaltic seepage
- 地沥青乳液 asphalt emulsion
- 地沥青砂 sand asphalt
- 地沥青砂浆 sand asphalt mixture
- 地沥青砂胶 asphalt mastic; mastic asphalt
- 地沥青砂岩 sand asphalt
- 地沥青酸 asphaltous acid
- 地沥青土 soilasphalt
- 地沥青粘剂 a halt mastic; asphalt mastic
- 地沥青煮器 bitume oiler; bitumen boiler