- 丘脑 thalamencephalon; thalamus; ...
- 手 hand
- 脑手术 operation on brain
- 丘脑 thalamencephalon; thalamus; thalamus opticus; cerebral ganglion
- 颅脑手术 craniocerebral operations; operations on cranium and brain
- 颅脑手术椅 operating chair for brain surgery
- 劈脑手术 split brain operation; splitbrain operation
- 小脑手术台 head-rest attachment for cerebellum operation
- 颅脑手术头架 skull operating rack
- 旧丘脑, 原丘脑 old thalamus
- 深部脑手术定位器 fixed positioning apparatus for deep brain surgery
- 小脑手术台,小脑手术头靠附着器 headrest attachment for cerebellum operation
- 底丘脑 subthalamus
- 后丘脑 metathalamus
- 旧丘脑 old thalamus; paleothalamus
- 丘脑部 metathalamus; pars thalamica; partes thalamica
- 丘脑财 nonspecific thalamocortical projection system
- 丘脑带 taenia of thalamus; taeniae thalami; tenia of thalamus; tenia thalami
- 丘脑的 thalamencephalic; thalamic
- 丘脑核 nuclei thalami; thalamic nuclei; thalamic nucleus
- 丘脑脚 peduncles of thalamus; stalks of thalamus; thalamic peduncle
- 丘脑瘤 thalamic tumor
- 丘脑室 thalamocoele
- 丘脑束 fasciculus thalamicus
- 丘脑图 thalamogram