A study on the starting time of modern world history 世界近代史断限问题新探
To discuss the new view of the boundary of the modern history 世界近代史断限新观点质疑
Two issues about the content of modern world history teaching 世界近代史教学内容研究二题
A query to two viewpoints on demarcation of the line of modern world history 质疑世界近代史两种断限观点
Modern world history proves it is the economy and national interests rather than ideologies that underpin cooperation between big countries 综观世界近代史,大国之间合作的深厚基础在经济,在国家利益,并非意识形态。
Modern world history tells us that it is the economy and national interests rather than ideologies that underpin the cooperation between big countries 综观世界近代史,大国之间合作的深厚基础在经济,在国家利益,而并非意识形态。
The content of modern world history teaching mainly consists of macroscopically examining the events and the figures which affected the overall situation of the world and the course of world history in the development and evolution of the world from the 15th and the 16th centuries to the 19th century , drawing the basic line of the history development from the world of separ ate parts to the world of the whole among the rich and varied historical faces , summarizing experiences and lessons , and discovering the general trend of development of world history 世界近代史的教学内容主要是对15 、 16世纪至19世纪世界发展演变中那些牵动世界全局、影响世界历史进程的事件和人物进行宏观考察,从丰富多彩的史实中勾勒历史从分散向整体发展的基本线索,总结经验教训,揭示世界历史发展的大趋势。