专门 specially; specialized 白求恩同志毫不利己, 专门利人的精神 comrade bethune's spirit, his utter devotion to others without any thought of himself; 专门为儿童写的故事 stories specially written for children; 专门机构 special agency; special organ; 专门技术 science; know-how; professional skill; 专门家 expert; specialist; 专门贸易 special trade; 专门人材 people with professional skill; 专门术语 technical terms; nomenclature; 专门用语 buzz word; 专门语 technology; 专门知识 specialized knowledge; expertise; technical know-how
Still do not have technicality medicaments to treating epidemic haemorrhage to heat up at present 目前对于治疗流行性出血热尚无专门性药物。
Redacting the special material , we should have regard for the poetical logic of children 选编专门性的言语教育材料要尊重幼儿的诗性逻辑并注重汉语的特性。
So far there is no professional research monography concerning with annotation on zhan guo ce by gaoyou 关于高诱《战国策注》 ,目前尚无专门性的研究论著。
Out work : operations put out to another company for reasons of specialism or capacity 外发加工:因工作量或专门性的关系,把一些工序交由另一公司进行的情况。
The features of chinese procuratorial system are mainly initiative , speciality , generality , legality and compelity 中国检察制度的特征主要有主动性、专门性、普遍性、合法性和强制性五个方面。
. but , with the advance of the science and technology and the development of the society and economy , more and more such cases will spring up 但是,随着科学技术的进步和社会经济的发展,涉及专门性问题的案件也越来越多。
To tell the truth , expert " s conclusions play an indispensable vital part in assisting the judge hearing case involving specialized problems 勿庸讳言,鉴定结论在帮助法官处理涉及专门性问题的案件方面发挥了不可替代的重要作用。
In regards to treaties or agreements that are professional or technical in contents , signatories may agree to adopt a commonly used foreign language only for the original copies 专门性及技术性之条约或协定约本,缔约各方得约定仅使用某一国际通用文字作成。
Then it suggests that autonomy , exploration , generality , complimenting and promoting nature of teacher and student , specialty , and social and international features 认为自主性、探究性、生成性、教学相长、专门性、社会性和国际性是大学课程实践的主要特征。