

  • narrow spectrum
  • specific



  • 例句与用法
  • The base ratio of 1 : 1 for the bases adenine and thymine and the bases cytosine and guanine was the first clue to the specificity of base pairing in the nucleic acids
    在核酸中的碱基配对高度专一性的原则决定了腺嘌呤与胸腺嘧啶,或鸟嘌呤与胞嘧啶之间的比值为1 : 1 。
  • Allosteric enzyme an enzyme whose catalytic activity can be modified by the noncovalent binding of a particular metabolite ( a modulator ) at a site ( the allosteric site ) other than the active site
  • Molecular recognition is utilized to describe the molecular binding process in a specific manner . it ' s well known that the antibody / antigen , receptoraigand and enzyme / substrate are the three molecular recognition models in animate bodies
  • Electronic tongue is a kind of chemical analysis instrument . it is composed of an electronic chemical sensor array that has partly specificity and a proper pattern recognition system . it can be applied to recognize single or multiple solutions
  • Then the cryld - lacz was introduced into different hosts . analysis of activity of p - galactosidase showed that the cryld and crylab expressed differently in different hosts . comparison of expression of cryld with crylab in the same host revealed that different upstream and competition for < j - factor were involved in the difference of cryld and crylab expression
    结果表明,在不同遗传背景的菌株中, cry1d - lacz和cry1ab - lacz融合基因的表达完全不同,表明同一基因在不同菌株中转录调控不同,也许一些宿主专一性的因子参与了转录调控;而在同一菌株中cry1d - lacz和cry1ab - lacz的表达差异是由于上游区的不同以及竞争有限的因子所致。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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