Replace saturated animal fats with unsaturated vegetable oil - based fats 选用不饱和脂肪的植物油,取代饱和脂肪的动物油。
Unsaturated fat can be subdivided into mono - unsaturated and poly - unsaturated fats 不饱和脂肪可分单元和多元不饱和脂肪。
Unsaturated fatty acids 不饱和脂肪
Mono - unsaturated fat helps to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood stream and prevents blockage of the arteries 单元不饱和脂肪能降低体内不良胆固醇水平,保持血管畅通,对健康有裨益。
Unsaturated fat - oils that are in a liquid form . they need to be mixed with saturated fats at the base oil stage in order to create a hard bar 不饱和脂肪:此类油为液体状态.他们需要与饱和脂肪混合,以产生质地较硬的皂
Chicken tempura crisp cortical parceled smooth chicken . when you eat that you never feel greasy . chicken tempura is absolute the best choice for you 金黄香脆的炸皮,包著嫩滑鸡肉,鸡肉已去皮绝不肥腻及含不饱和脂肪,绝对是你的健康之选。
Be a discriminate shopper and choose brands or variants that contain less salt , less or no saturated fat or are made of whole grains instead of white flour 成为挑剔的购物者,而且选择包含较少盐,较少或不饱和脂肪,或是使用全麦来代替白面粉的品牌或代替品。
Obtaining just 2 percent of total calories from trans fats instead of healthier monounsaturated fats was associated with a doubled risk for this type of infertility 如果仅仅2 %的总卡路里是来自于反式脂肪而非更健康的单一不饱和脂肪中,患有该类型的不育症的风险将增加1倍。
The scientists found that those who took two per cent of their energy intake from trans fats , instead of carbohydrates or polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower oil , had a 70 per cent greater risk of infertility through lack of oulation 研究人员发现,那些摄入能量的2 %来自于反式脂肪酸的妇女,与来自碳水化合物或多不饱和脂肪-如葵花子油-的妇女相比,由于不排卵引起不孕的几率增加70 % 。
Poly - unsaturated fats contain linoleic acid and linolenic acid , both of which are essential fatty acids required by our body . these kinds of fatty acids are not produced by our body , and can only be absorbed through the consumption of food 多元不饱和脂肪中的亚麻油酸及次亚麻油酸是人体必需脂肪酸,但人体不能制造的,要透过食物吸收,它们能稀释血液浓度,降血压及改善免疫系统功能。