- 不规则 irregular; inordinance
- 状 form; shape
- 矿体 ore body
- 不规则状粉 irregular powder
- 不规则矿体 irregular ore body
- 不规则囊状矿床 irregular pocket deposit
- 规则状粉 regular powder
- 扁豆状矿体 lense; lenticule; lentil
- 层状矿体 bank of ore
- 管状矿体 ore chimney; ore pipe; orechimney; orepipe
- 环状矿体 ring like ore body; ring ore body; ringlikeorebody
- 鸡窝状矿体 nest like ore body; nestlikeorebody
- 脉状矿体 vein orebody
- 囊状矿体 sack-like body
- 透镜状矿体 le oidorebody; lensoid ore body; lenticular ore body; lenticularorebody; lentiform ore body; pod-like ore body
- 柱状矿体 chimney deposit; chimney ore body
- 不规则 irregular; inordinance◇不规则变化 [语言学] irregular inflection; 不规则动词 irregular verb
- 平熔穴隙;阶状矿体 flats and pitches
- 不规则的规则 irregular regularity
- 规则的不规则 regular irregularity
- 不规则;不整齐 irregularity
- 不规则;异常 anomaly
- 不规则岸 irregular coast
- 不规则靶 irregular target
- 不规则摆动 hunt