(比喻有独创风格, 不落俗套) not to follow the beaten track [the old precedent]; a style which is original and not stereotyped; break away from convention; break down [with] set practices; be off set pattern and outdated conventions; be unconventional; conform to no conventional pattern; free from the hackneyed precedent; have an original style; get out of the rut [groove]; not get into a rut; not to drift into inanities; not to fall into old ruts; not to fall within the narrow confines of stereotyped forms; (implying) one seeks mediums or new vehicles for expression of one's sentiments; show originality
窠臼 [书面语] (现成格式;老套子) set pattern 不落窠臼 show originality; be unconventional
Citigroup , the world ' s biggest bank , takes a different approach 规模居世界各银行之首的花旗集团,却另中辟栖径,不落窠臼。
But let ' s save the wrong stuff till the end ; the upfront message is more than 90 minutes of gushy joy , of old - time movie pleasures 但,让我们将那些荒谬的内容留到最后来说;最先的消息说那会是超过九十分钟的煽情愉悦和不落窠臼的观影乐事。
She always appeared alone on the champs - elysees , riding in her own carriage where she sat as unobtrusively as possible , enveloped on winter days in a large indian shawl and , in summer , wearing the simplest dresses 玛格丽特却不落窠臼,她总是独个儿坐车到香榭丽舍大街去,尽量不招人注意。她冬天裹着一条开司米大披肩,夏天穿着十分淡雅的长裙。
America is a young and full - energetic nation , all person or any cultural form of this country is just like the nation itself , having no inhibition , never set - patterned , unreservedly forthright , and of course , nor is the coffee culture of america an exception 美国是一个年轻而充满活力的国家,这个国家的任何人一种文化形式都像它本身一样,没有禁锢,不落窠臼,率性而为,美国的咖啡文化也不例外。
The saints use all kinds of methods to lead us to the truth . they lecture , chant , and meditate , which we often see used as the conventional methods in the world . it is truly an innovation to use artistic creations , such as lanterns , paintings , celestial clothing and jewelry , and a symphonic performance to convey the teachings 佛菩萨为了引领我们走向真理,运用了各种方法,如讲经说法敲打念唱叁禅打坐等,这些大都是这世界常见的固有手法能用艺术创作,如灯饰绘画天衣天饰,以及交响音乐会等,将佛法艺术化,将我们灵性做最有效的提升,可说是突破,手法不但高超,且变化多端,层出不穷不落窠臼。
不落窠臼的法语:ne pas suivre les vieux sentiers rebattus;posséder un style original
不落窠臼什么意思:bù luò kē jiù 【解释】比喻有独创风格,不落旧套。 【出处】明·胡应麟《诗薮·内编》四:“初学必从此入门,庶不落小家窠臼。” 【示例】这“凸”“凹”历来用的人最少,如今直用作轩馆之名,更觉新鲜,~。(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第七十六回) 【拼音码】blkj 【用法】动宾式;作主语、谓语、定语;含褒义,用于文章和艺术品 【英文】do not fall (get) into a gr...