

音标:[ bùluòkējiù ]   发音:
  • (比喻有独创风格, 不落俗套) not to follow the beaten track [the old precedent]; a style which is original and not stereotyped; break away from convention; break down [with] set practices; be off set pattern and outdated conventions; be unconventional; conform to no conventional pattern; free from the hackneyed precedent; have an original style; get out of the rut [groove]; not get into a rut; not to drift into inanities; not to fall into old ruts; not to fall within the narrow confines of stereotyped forms; (implying) one seeks mediums or new vehicles for expression of one's sentiments; show originality



  • 例句与用法
  • Citigroup , the world ' s biggest bank , takes a different approach
  • But let ' s save the wrong stuff till the end ; the upfront message is more than 90 minutes of gushy joy , of old - time movie pleasures
  • She always appeared alone on the champs - elysees , riding in her own carriage where she sat as unobtrusively as possible , enveloped on winter days in a large indian shawl and , in summer , wearing the simplest dresses
  • America is a young and full - energetic nation , all person or any cultural form of this country is just like the nation itself , having no inhibition , never set - patterned , unreservedly forthright , and of course , nor is the coffee culture of america an exception
  • The saints use all kinds of methods to lead us to the truth . they lecture , chant , and meditate , which we often see used as the conventional methods in the world . it is truly an innovation to use artistic creations , such as lanterns , paintings , celestial clothing and jewelry , and a symphonic performance to convey the teachings
  • 其他语种释义
  • 不落窠臼的法语:ne pas suivre les vieux sentiers rebattus;posséder un style original
  • 不落窠臼的日语:〈成〉旧来のスタイルを脱して新しいスタイルを作り出すこと.▼文章や芸術についていう.
  • 不落窠臼的韩语:【성어】 (문장 등이) 독창적인 풍격을 이루다. 낡은 틀에 얽매이지 않다. 他的文章, 笔法新颖不落窠臼; 그의 글은 필치가 새롭고 독특하며 낡은 틀에 얽매이지 않았다 =[不落俗套]
  • 不落窠臼的俄语:pinyin:bùluòkējiù нешаблонный, нестандартный, нетрафаретный
  • 不落窠臼什么意思:bù luò kē jiù 【解释】比喻有独创风格,不落旧套。 【出处】明·胡应麟《诗薮·内编》四:“初学必从此入门,庶不落小家窠臼。” 【示例】这“凸”“凹”历来用的人最少,如今直用作轩馆之名,更觉新鲜,~。(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第七十六回) 【拼音码】blkj 【用法】动宾式;作主语、谓语、定语;含褒义,用于文章和艺术品 【英文】do not fall (get) into a gr...
  • 推荐英语阅读
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