- cannot leave a deficit in their budgets
- 不能 cannot; must not; should not ...
- 搞 do
- 赤字 deficit
- 预算 budget; 1991
- 赤字预算 budgeting for a deficit; deficit budgeting
- 不平衡的预算, 赤字预算 unbalanced budget
- 我们不能搞空城计 we can't leave no one to kean eye on things
- 预算赤字 budget deficit; budget gap; budget in deficit; budgetary deficit
- 财政赤字, 预算赤字 financial deficit
- 财政预算赤字 budget deficit; budgetary deficit
- 弥补预算赤字 financing a budget deficit
- 清除预算赤字 wipe out the budget deficit
- 预算赤字贷款 budget deficit loan
- 增加预算赤字 mount budgetary deficits
- 政府预算赤字 government budget deficit; government budgetary deficit
- 财政赤字, 预算赤字, 财务亏空 financial deficit
- 不能抵销的赤字 uncovered deficit
- 预算赤字引起的通货膨胀 inflation caused by budgetary deficit
- 赤字 [经] (支出多于收入) deficit 财政赤字 financial deficit; 贸易赤字 trade deficit; 弥补赤字 make up a deficit; meet a deficit; 增加预算赤字 mount budgetary deficits
- 第二十七条中央政府公共预算不列赤字 the public budget of the central government shall not contain deficit
- 数字预处理 digital preprocessing
- 数字预置 digit preset
- 数字预装配 digital pre-assembly
- 文字预设置 lettering preferences
- 预算 budget1991
- Cannot leave a deficit in their budgets