- 不 a block of wood
- 纯 pure; unmixed
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 砷 arsenic
- 钴 cobalt
- 矿 ore deposit
- 砷钴矿 arsenical cobalt; bismuth cobalt; gray cobalt; grey cobalt ore; modderite; smaltine; smaltite&; speiss cobalt; tin-white cobalt; white cobalt
- 不纯的 bastard; extrinsic; false; foul; impure water; inpkutre; interested
- 阿硫砷钴矿 alloclasite
- 纯砷钴矿 cobalt skutterudite
- 辉砷钴矿 cobaltite; cobaltine
- 硫砷钴矿 alloclasite; giaucodot; giaukodot; glaucodote; glaucodotite
- 莫砷钴矿 modderite
- 镍铋砷钴矿 badenite
- 铁硫砷钴矿 akontite; glaucodot
- 斜方砷钴矿 eisenspeiskobalt; kobaltlollingit; safflorite
- 斜硫砷钴矿 alloclase; alloclasite
- 斜砷钴矿 clinosafflorite
- 铋砷钴矿 bismuth skutterudite; bismuthide; bismutosmaltine; bismutosmaltite
- 不纯的金属 impure metals
- 不纯的硫酸 fouled sulfuric acid
- 不纯的水 defective water
- 假的;不纯的 false
- 铁斜方砷钴矿 eisenkobalterz
- 斜方辉砷钴矿 orthocobaltite