They sacrificed unto devils , not to god ; to gods whom they knew not , to new gods that came newly up , whom your fathers feared not 申32 : 17所祭祀的鬼魔、并非真神、乃是素不认识的神、是近来新兴的、是你列祖所不畏惧的。
They made offerings to evil spirits which were not god , to gods who were strange to them , which had newly come up , not feared by your fathers 所祭祀的鬼魔、并非真神、乃是素不认识的神、是近来新兴的、是你列祖所不畏惧的。
They sacrificed to demons , to those who were no god , to gods they did not know , to new ones who had recently come up , before whom your fathers had not shuddered 17他们献祭给鬼魔,给那不是神的,给素不认识的神,给那近来新兴的,是你们列祖所不畏惧的。