- 不 a block of wood
- 混杂 mix; mingle; confounding; so ...
- 种子 seed; semen; germ; grain; st ...
- 混杂种子 foreign seeds
- 种子混杂 impurity of seeds
- 种子混杂物 seed admixture
- 杂种种子 hybrid seed
- 杂种种子园 hybridseed
- 混杂种植;混种繁殖 interbreed
- 玉米杂种种子田 corn hybrid seed field
- 混杂于种子内的有害混杂物 有害混杂物 harmfulimpurity
- 混杂于种子内的有害混杂物 harmful impurity
- 混杂 (混合搀杂) mix; mingle; confounding; sophistication 鱼龙混杂 good and bad people get mixed up; 游客混杂 visitors of all kinds; 它与其他很多东西混杂在一起了。 it was confused among many objects
- 杂化作用;混染作用;混杂作用;杂种性 hybridism
- 杂种 [生物学] hybrid; crossbreed; intercross; [遗传学] random breed; [动物学] half-bred; ◇杂种不育性 hybrid sterility; 杂种繁殖 [遗传学] interbreeding; 杂种优势 [生物] heterosis; hybrid vigor
- 不混合 nonmiscibility; unassorted
- 不混溶 unmixing
- 种子 seed; semen; germ; grain; stock; spermo-; spermato-; gono-◇种子测定 seed testing; 种子处理 seed treatment; 种子地 seed-breeding field; 种子队 [体育] seed team; 种子发育 seed development; 种子繁殖 [农业] seminal propagation; 种子改良 seed amelioration; 种子更新 seed regeneration; 种子田 seminary; seed breeding field; 种子选手[运动员] [体育] seeded player; seed; 种子选育 seed breeding; 种子植物 spermatophyte; seed plant
- 高混杂 upperr hybrid
- 合混杂 interweave
- 混合,混杂 commingle
- 混杂岸 hybrid rock
- 混杂的 farraginous; hybrid; jumbly; magpie; miscellaneous; mixed; promiscuous
- 混杂度 impurity
- 混杂货 heterogenous cargo; mixed cargo