The same desires, usually in a less marked degree, exist in men who have no exceptional talents . 同样的愿望,常以不显著的程度存在于没有特别才能的人里面。
Aggregate fruit spicate , 10 cm long , stipe 2 cm long ; follicles ellipsoid or ovoid , 1 . 2 - 1 . 5 cm long , apex with short and curved tip , outside inconspicuously sparsely lenticeled 聚合果穗状,长约10厘米,柄长约2厘米; ? ?长圆形或卵形,长1 . 2 - 1 . 5厘米,顶端具短而弯的尖头,表面具不显著的稀疏皮孔。
The variance of seed setting density and 1000 - seed weight of the different diploid seed plants is highly significant , but it is not significant in the different source of the same line 不同品系的二倍体种株材料在结实密度和千粒重之间的差异性也分别达到0 . 01的极显著水平,但同一材料的不同母根之间差异性是不显著的。
According to the estimation results in the study , the relationship between industry outputs and the employment of foreign labors is insignificant statistically and varies across sectors 引入外籍劳工效果不显著的原因之一,可能是目前外劳总数所占整体就业人口仍不高,仅约5 %左右之故,尚未明显排挤本国劳工之就业机会。
This indicates the market responds to the rebuilding information , although a little late . the market digests the rebuilding information during a long time . the extra profit can be obtained after the post day 实证研究只是揭示一种现象,反应的是一种相关关系,要想深刻解释现象背后的因果关系,还要结合我国资本市场制度背景和上市公司现实状况来分析目前资产重祖绩效不显著的影响因素。
Yet these tend to marginalize cultural theory , allocating it little room and discussing key theorist from a point of view that is not directly relevant to those working in the cultural field 当然,你可能已经在图书馆和书店的书架上发现了很多关于社会理论的著作,但是这些书往往把文化理论放在一个非常不显著的位置,并且对于一些关键理论家往往从他们与文化领域不直接相关的那些作品的角度讨论。
Large amounts of lab experimellts showed that the consistency of swr sensor is very good , and the swr sensor have excellent results in every kinds of soil texture , especially in loam , clay and acid loam . there were not big variations among their measurement results 特别是壤土、粘土、酸性粘壤土等土质对测量结果的影响达到了极不显著的水平,它们之间测量值的相关系数都达到了0 . 97以上。
In the direct effect , the international trade effect is obvious , which build the first grade of fdi ’ s economic growth . while in the indirect effect , technology advancement and industry structure promotion build the second grade of fdi ’ s economic growth . and the capital accumulation effect along with some other outside effect , such as system innovation effect and effects of employment , which build the third grade of fdi ’ s economic growth 两者之间既单独产生作用又相互影响,但它们所表现的增长推动力和着力点是不一样的:在直接效应中,贸易促进作用是显著的,它构成了fdi对我国经济增长的第一序列;在间接效应中,技术进步和产业结构升级的作用是显著的,它构成了fdi对我国经济增长的第二序列;而不显著的国内资本形成效应、制度变迁效应以及一些其他外部效应,则构成了fdi对我国经济增长的第三序列。
The precipitation of northern hemisphere has a significant negative trend , lapse rate of precipitation during djf is - 0 . 028mm / a . for the southern hemisphere , has n ' t pass the statistical significance . the flood / drought years are pick out in 1948 - 2001 for djf over global , northern and southern hemisphere , six large - scale areas , the results point out has significant decadal change in the flood / drought years of global , nh and sh in djf , during 1940s - 1970s global flood in djf occurred frequently and from 1970s - 1990s global drought in djf occurred frequently 北半球有明显的降水减少,约为- 0 . 028mm a ,南半球12 - 2月降水表现为极微弱的下降趋势,且在统计上是不显著的。划分出了全球、南北半球、全球6个大尺度区域12 - 2月旱涝年,指出全球及北、南半球12 - 2月的旱涝有明显的年代际变化。 70年代中期以前是全球洪涝多发期, 80年代到90年代为全球干旱多发期。
Although economic and population specialists and scholars both in abroad and at home have made extreme progress on research the question of rural labor since they studied it very long ago , as far as china is concerned , based on the following three aspects , firstly , the national condition of our country determined that the foreign theory such as lewis theory might instruct us but we ca n ' t use these theories without rectification ; secondly , in china , our research about this question prefer the qualitative analysis to the quantitative analysis ; thirdly , the research on the labor utilization and shift in this specific area , that is , in the mountainous rural area which covers 69 % of our mainland and occupies 56 % of population is absolutely scarce in present ? to make up for the three deficiencies , this paper selects the econometrics analysis , uses investigation data and by virtue of tsp software , establishes a model where shift labor is the dependent variable and the citilization ratio , industrial structure , the income gap between city and country , the rural infrastructure construction , the labor ' s aptitude and the population ' s natural growth ratio are the variableso through economic , statistical and econometrical test , the conclusion is attained : the income gap between city and country and the citilization ratio are the two most important fectors which affect the labor ' s utilization and shift in mountainous rural area - , the rural infrastructure construction and the labor ' s aptitude are the two relative important factors which affect the labor ' s utilization and shift in mountainous rural area while the rural industrial structure and the population ' s natural growth ratio are the two least important factors according to this , this paper puts forward several suggestions that the income gap between city and country , citilization ratio , rural education , rural industrial structure and agricultural mechanization should be carefully treated with on studying the question of labor utilization and shift in mountainous rural area . finally , this paper points to several suspending problems about this research in order to get the concern of specialist and scholars 尽管国内外经济和人口学方面的专家与学者很早就开始了对农村劳动力问题的研究并取得了极大的进展,但是,我国在研究农村劳动力问题时,基于三点:其一,我国国情决定了国外的理论例如刘易斯理论,虽然对研究我国的农村劳动力问题具有指导意义,但却不能照搬这些理论;其二,从国内看,我国对该问题的研究重视定性分析而定量分析明显不足;其三,缺乏对我国占国土面积69 、人口56的山区农村这一特殊区域内的劳动力开发利用及转移的专门性研究。为了弥补这三个缺憾,论文采用经济计量学的数量分析方法,利用实际调查资料,借助tsp软件,建立了以外出劳动力数量为被解释变量,城市化率、农村产业结构、城乡收入差距、农村社会基础设施建设、农村劳动力素质以及人口自然增长率六个变量为解释变量的模型,通过对该模型进行经济学、统计学、经济计量学三个方面的检验,得出如下结果:城乡收入差距和城市化率是影响山区农村劳动力开发利用及转移的最重要的两个因素;农村社会基础设施建设和农村劳动力素质是较为重要的两个影响因素;而农村产业结构和人口自然增长率相对来说是较不显著的影响因素。据此,本文提出了在研究山区农村劳动力开发利用及转移问题时,应慎重对待城乡收入差距、城市化水平、农村劳动力素质、农村产业结构、农业机械化五个问题。