- stubborn heavy make-up residue
- 洗掉 wash out
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 浓妆 heavy makeup
- 不可洗掉的颜色 colour unscourable /h
- 不需要洗掉的产品 non-rinse off products
- 需要洗掉的产品 rinse-off products
- 洗掉 erase; erasure; wash down; wash off
- 可用水洗掉的水溶液性颜料 washable water paint
- 不易 not easy to do sth
- 浓妆的 raddled
- 冲洗掉 rinse out; swill out
- 洗去, 洗掉 wash sth out
- 洗去,洗掉 ab-waschen a
- 简易洗消间 simple decontamination room
- 易洗免烫 minimum-care; wash-and-wear
- 坏掉的,断掉的 broken
- 浓妆艳服 make up one's face heavily and dress gaudily [wear gaudy clothes]; rich toilet and beautiful dresses
- 浓妆艳抹 put on gay clothing and powder one's face; her face was heavily powdered.; she dressed herself neatly, and rouged her face.; with heavy makeup
- 浓妆艳质 rich in colour and pretty appearance
- 易洗免烫尾工 wash-and-wear finishes
- 易洗免烫织物 wash-and-wear fabrics
- 洗掉;(洪水)冲垮 wash away
- 洗掉再重录 erasa-and-reuse
- 用水洗掉 rinse off
- 断掉的 off