- 不 a block of wood
- 敷 apply
- 能量 energy; amount of energy
- 不敷生产能量 inadequate capacity
- 不敷 deficiency
- 不敷用 inadequacy
- 不敷,亏空(额),赤字 deficit
- 不敷补助金 deficiency grant
- 不敷所需 be lacking not be available when needed
- 不敷用准备 reserve for inadequacy
- 入不敷出 run behind one's expenses; be behindhand in one's circumstances; can not make (both) ends meet; income can't cover outlay [outcome].; income falling short of expenditure; leap the pale; live beyond one's salary [means]; one's income is not adequate to one's needs.; spend more than one earns; the income falls short of the expenditure
- 她入不敷出 she could not make both ends meets
- 能量 1.[物理学] energy; amount of energy 能量转化 energy conversion2.(能力) capabilities; capacity; 能量不灭 conservation of energy; 能量不灭定律 law of conservation of energy; 能量交换 energy exchange; 能量均分 equipartition of energy; equipartition; 能量平衡 [生理学] energy balance (能量收支); 能量贮存 energy storage; 能量转移 energy transfer
- 不敷,亏空(额),赤字;欠缺 deficit
- 不敷生产能力 inadequate capacity
- 生产不敷所需 underproduce
- 预算不敷垫款 deficiency advance
- 资金不敷准备 reserve for inadequacy
- 不敷用生产能力 inadequatecapacity
- 亏绌;不敷;不足之数;短缺 deficiency
- 过著远远入不敷出的生活 to live far beyond one's means
- 接受不敷补助金的机构 deficiency subvented organization
- 她办事认真从不敷衍了事 she is very conscientious and never skimps her work
- α能量 alpha energy
- 暗能量 dark energy