- 不吝 not stint; not grudge; witho ...
- 啬 stingy; miserly
- 地 the earth
- 吝啬地 begrudgingly; begrundgingly; illiberally; meanly; nearly; parsimoniously; scantily; skimpily; stingily; unhandsomely
- 不吝啬施与 private
- 毫不吝啬的赞美 kind words of praise
- 毫不吝啬的接济某人 give someone the shirt off one's back; give someone the shirt off one’s back
- 不吝 [套] not stint; not grudge; without sparing; be generous with
- 吝啬 stingy; niggardly; miserly; mean 吝啬的捐助 niggardly contributions; 不要那么吝啬! don't be so stingy!; 吝啬鬼 miser; niggard; skinflint
- 对…吝啬 be mean with
- 极吝啬 skin a flint
- 克扣;吝啬 skimp
- 吝啬;不满 grudge
- 吝啬的 chary; cheap; chinchy; closefisted; closehanded; curmudgeonly; footling; hardfisted; illiberal; ironfisted; mean; mingy; miserly; narrowfisted; near; niggardly; parsimonious; penurious; pinchpenny; scotch; scraping; scrimpy; shabby; spare; stingy; tightfisted; ungenerous; unhandsome
- 吝啬鬼 cheapskate; churl; lavare; miser; niggard; pe ypincher; penny pincher; pinchfist; skinflint; tight wad; tightwad
- 不吝金玉 not niggardly with gold and gem
- 不吝惜的 prodigal; profuse; unstinted
- 不吝惜地 profusely
- 不吝指教 please don't refuse to offer your kind advice!; not be grudging of giving instruction; not be stinting with comments or criticism; not hesitate to make comments; not to spare your comments; please make frank comments; spare no advice 尚希不吝指教。 we hope that you will not stint your criticism
- 请不吝赐教 be so kind as to give me a reply please
- 尚希不吝指教 we hope that you will not stint your criticism
- 〔美俚〕吝啬鬼。 tight-wad
- 大吝啬鬼 flayflint
- 非常吝啬 as close as a clam
- 极吝啬的 tighter than the barkon a tree