We at the hkma are fully committed to playing our part in this and related processes to ensure that the level playing field is maintained and institutions are not disadvantaged by differences in supervisory practices and approaches 金管局会全力参与这些讨论以及相关程序,以确保维持公平的竞争环境,务求令各认可机构不会因为监管方法不同而面对不利的处境。
Addressing the students " complaints , mr pan guoqu , at a simple freshmen orientation ceremony held in the canteen , went to great lengths to explain nantah ' s unfavourable position . he also encouraged the students to accept the adverse conditions , and to endure temporarily the fact that the facilities were inadequate 在面对同学不断申诉之下,潘国渠先生在餐厅里举行的一个简单迎新会中,除了苦口婆心解释南大不利的处境之外,也鼓励同学们逆来顺受,暂时忍受设备欠妥的事实。