- I'm nudging fifty, i'm no chicken .
我年近半百,不再是个黄毛丫头了。 - He would not be naked and alone .
他将不再是赤手空拳和孤立无援的。 - Emergent light is no longer continuous .
透过的光不再是连续的。 - The news story had ceased to have priority .
新闻报道已不再是当务之急了。 - She was no longer the alternate succubus .
她不再是那个轮番变幻的魔女了。 - His expression was no longer wooden .
他的表情不再是木然的了。 - Pompeii is no longer a buried city .
庞培不再是地下城了。 - A want that is satisfied is no longer a want .
一种需要得到满足后就不再是需要了。 - When a thing has been used , it is no longer new .
当一件东西被用过后,就不再是新的了。 - Woman is no longer a satellite .