书只会出现在电脑上,不会在纸上 books will only be in computers, not on paper
差错 1.(错误) mistake; error; slip 不会出差错。 no mistakes could arise. 这笔帐目里有差错。 there's an accounting error in this entry.2.(意外的变化) mishap; accident 万一这孩子出了差错怎么办? what if anything should happen to the child?; 差错待查 errors and ommissions excepted; 差错概率 error probability; 差错控制 error control; 差错频率 error frequency; 差错文件 error file
不会 1.(不可能) will not; not likely; incapable 不会变 incapable of change; 不会有好下场的 will come to no good end; 不会坐视的 not sit back looking on; 公园里人不会多。 there won't be too many people in the park.2.(不能做) can't; be unable to; be incapable of 不会抽烟 do not smoke; 不会说谎 be incapable of telling lies3.(表示责备语气) 你就不会打个电话问一问? couldn't you have phoned up and asked