hypothalamus-preoptic area preoptic area of hypothalamus preoptic region of hypothalamus
下 below; down; under; undernea ...丘脑 thalamencephalon; thalamus; ...视 look at前区 proparea; prozone下丘脑视前区前部 anterior hypothalamic-preoptic视前区下丘脑前部 preoptic anterior hypothalamus,poah下丘脑内侧视前区 medial preoptic area of hypothalamus下丘脑前区 anterior hypothalamic area; anterior hypothalamic region; anterior region of hypothalamus; regio hypothalamica anterior; region hypothalamica anterior下丘脑视上核 necleus supraopticus hypothalami; nucleus supraopticus hypothalami; supraoptic hypothalamic nucleus; supraoptic necleus of hypothalamus; supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus下丘脑视上区 supra optic region of hypothalamus; supraoptic region of hypothalamus下丘脑视神经根 hypothalamic optic root下丘脑视网膜纤维 bibrae hypothalamortinalesarea]视前下丘脑区域 poa-aha视前下丘脑区域 poa-aha; preoptic anterior hypothalamic area下丘脑前中部,下丘脑中前区 medial anterior hypothalamic area丘脑下视部, 下丘脑视部 partes optica hypothalami丘脑下视部,下丘脑视部 pars optica hypothalami视前区 area preoptica; por; preoptic area region; preoptic areas; preoptic region内侧视前区 area preoptica medialis; medial preoptic area外侧视前区 area preoptica lateralis下丘脑 hth; hypothalamic-hypophyscal-ovarian axis; hypothalamo hypophysial system; hypothalamo hypophysical neurosecretory system; hypothalamo-adenohypophysial system; hypothalamo-hypophyseal system; hypothalamo-hytpophysial system; hypothalamus-hypophysial portal system; hypothalaums腹外侧视前区 vlpo视前区终纹核 terminal stria nuclei of preoptic region丘脑前区 anterior region of thalamus丘脑下部, 下丘脑 subthalamic region
Effect of ofq injection into intracerebroventricular and preoptic area on blood pressure and heart rate in rats 侧脑室及下丘脑视前区 微量注射孤啡肽对大鼠血压心率的影响 It is well know that the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus ( poaii ) is the heat regulating center of homeotherm下丘脑视前区 和下丘脑前区( poah )为恒温动物的体温调节中枢。