- 上颌 maxillary; upper mandible; t ...
- 骨折 cataclasis; catagma; fractur ...
- 上颌骨骨折 fracture of maxilla; fracture of superior maxila; u er maxillary fracture; upper maxillary fracture
- 上颌骨横骨折 transverse maxillary fracture
- 上颌骨闭合性骨折 closed fracture of superior maxilla; closed fracture of upper jaw bone
- 上颌骨开放性骨折 open fracture of superior maxilla; open fracture of upper jaw bone
- 颧骨和上颌骨闭合性骨折 closed fracture of malar and maxillary bones
- 颧骨和上颌骨开放性骨折 open fracture of malar and maxillary bones
- 上颌骨骨折闭合性复位术 closed reduction of maxillary fracture
- 上颌骨骨折口内复位术 intraoral reduction of fractured maxilla
- 上颌骨骨折口内固定 intraoral fixation of fractured maxilla; intraoral fixation of maxillary fracture
- 上颌骨骨折口外复位术 extraoral reduction of fractured maxilla
- 上颌骨骨折口外固定术 extraoral fixation of fractured maxilla
- 上颌骨骨折切开复位 open reduction of maxillary fracture
- 上颌骨 maxillae; maxillary bones; os maxillare; superior maxillary bone; supramaxilla; upper jaw bone
- 颌骨折 jaw fracture
- 上颌骨骨折切开复位固定术 open reduction and fixation of fractured maxilla
- 上颌的,上颌骨的 maxillaris
- 辅上颌骨 supplemental maxillary
- 上颌骨癌症 cancer of maxilla
- 上颌骨鼻面 facies nasalis maxillae; nasal surface of maxilla
- 上颌骨鼻嵴 crista nasalis maxila; crista nasalis maxillae; nasal crest of maxilla
- 上颌骨的 maxillary; mx
- 上颌骨额突 forntal process of maxilla; frontal process of maxilla; prefrontal bone of von bardeleben; processus frontalis maxllae
- 上颌骨棘 spine of maxilla